lol abt previous post
10:52 PM
lol about the previous emo post. i see that it has not successfully attracted many people's attention. but anyway, for those who bothered to tag and care, and those who read and cared but didnt want to tag somehow i dont know why, some ppl are just weird. yea anw haha im really not emoing. i cried nonstop cos i was reading this really touching love story. oh, and shangyu is the main male lead in the book. its really touching man, ohman, i think i have some hallucination, im like totally into the story, and picturing myself as the girl ok nvm.
this week has been a totally crazily busy week i dont know why. so many hw and so many tests. which im just like more confident of econs, cos at least i did study compared to chem and math. and yea, im v physically tired. not really mentally though, my brain doesnt think of much things nowadays except some conjectures how to see the pattern crap lol. and gc is really interesting. i forgot whats my purpose of posting this today, so i shall just blabber on now until i rmb.
okay ytd i was talking to fish aka ly. okay she was totally behaving like a ip1 or rather a p1, minus off the 'i'. she was pulling me jumping around here and there. and omg, i cant believe that she's like a month older than me, thats so unbelievable. she behaves totally like my 10-years-old cousin. plus with her incredibily small hand, it does seem quite possible. but she's v cute la and i like her alot. and yea, you know,
ly : im fish
me : im frog
ly+me : we're happy family! (:
yea oh i wanted to post abt ao1 dinner. yea according to our so called tradition that we'll sort of like meet up every fortnight, we had our ao1 dinner ytd. which was like the 5th so called outing in 2months. thats really cool right :D haha yea samantha me elson pinxuan xiaoxi jiaqiang zhixin raja nicholas yitong yanhui marian hocksing. yea it was fun and really heartwarming to see everyone once again, altho im sort of adapted to s21 life and enjoying it. yea but i still miss pae 08A01 alot, not ostracising ppl like minshing and huiyi and gang, haha but as in those are really one of my best times ever. so raja dragged and dragged and i only got to leave at 810. and all raja's fault, the bus took 30mins to arrive. i totally scolded him like mad. oh and curry wok is so small to fit so many of us, though the otak, sambal kangkong and century egg tofu is totally yumyum. yea, thats about it, oh and not to forget that raja was really like a hero ytd, saving so many balls during the soccer match. go raja :D
yea thats about it, enough said. there's still dance tml
love story
9:48 PM
i was very happy in the afternoon, because i found alot of nice love stories and borrowed them at the library haha. so yea, another day wasted off cos of reading them. yea, i havent read all yet but i know they're nice, cos the pictures are so pretty :D
but then at around 6pm, i started crying. i couldnt stop totally, i tried to you know, stop now and then and stuff, yea but i kept crying until like 715pm. then i felt that maybe its time to go take a shower and wash up. so i walk to my wardrobe. there was this mirror in front of my wardrobe and im like 'omg why are my eyes so red and puffy, and my whole face red from crying' so oh well, i went into the shower and then the tears just wanted to come out again but i held them back. at 845pm, i cried again, but i stopped after 5mins or so. and its 10pm now, i guess im fine now.
my dear shang yu, where are you!
okay anw really im fine alr, im not emoing.
100th post
11:10 PM
let me commemorate today : 21st mar 2008, 11: 10PM right now.
b'cos im typing my 100th post. how pathetic right. celebrating my 100th post after like 1plus or 2years or so of blogging. that shows how frequent im in updating my blog. haha im not dead jin xiaoxi stop cursing me. i just wanted to find smth more special to update on my 100th post. ok i didnt find anything v special though, i decided to be emo on my 100th post. i shall show the emo side of me ):
but let me just start with some updates: enrichment wk hasnt been really fulfiling. cos i went for some courses just to fill up the hours. those more special are maybe like yoga, world war 2 military strategy thing and snow city. yoga really stretched the limit out of me, causing me to have severe muscle aches up till now, b'cos splits during dance worsened the pain. and world war 2 is quite ok, at least i didnt feed mosquitoes. and i wasnt allowed to scream in the tunnel b'cos if i scream, the others will scream too. but it wasnt that freaky afterall. snow city was fun, the slide- how we manage to slide down in circles, rows, columns, whatever you call it. and the bonding games wasnt v bonding cos i didnt know any new ppl. but yea we shouted ' ttc loves you ' to lissya when she was stripped of her jacket and one shoe and gloves at a temperature of -6.8 degrees i think. it was fun despite the coldness and wetness.
so yea now, being emo. b'cos im very tired, b'cos i felt like a fool, b'cos it just sucks, so i don't want to care anymore. b'cos i dont want to be there just when you need me. and you wont be there when i need you. b'cos i dont want to be just a tool/toy. b'cos i felt so betrayed like im the link for you to know her, though it may not be the truth. b'cos it all just sucks. full stop, thats it. i dont want to torture myself alr. b'cos you, you, you, you, you and you taught me how stupid i'm to trust you, you, you, you, you and you so much. b'cos i had enough. b'cos yea, im really tired of getting so high, i dont know for what. and getting lukewarm responses. b'cos of this and that, b'cos im emoing now on my 100th post, and i'll be fine after that. b'cos im going to stop caring. although i'll nv succeed. altho i will run back to you and you and start getting high dont know for who and what again. altho i know i cant ignore you. i will still try to, b'cos im really tired.
and pls note, that wasnt to my crush/eyecandy/the love of my life. pls do ignore this post, b'cos i will only emo for a while. b'cos im human and ive sad times. b'cos i will be fine after that. b'cos i will be high once again. so this post will be NA soon, i hope.
99th post alr!
10:15 PM
omg ppl, dont you find it really cool. its my 99th post alr! i think ive been posting alot since last eoy hols. and then i just couldnt stop posting haha. okay this interest in blogging will die off someday. okay anw, just to blog about my 1-day dance camp today, which was really cool and fun :DDD
okay i reached sch at 740am or so, and i thought i was super early. and lissya reached at 730am or so -.- and the seniors reached even earlier. okay so im not v early. but im not late too :DDD unlike SHIQI, DINAH haha. oh i feel so proud of myself ok nvm. anw we started off with a warm up round. i rmb telling angela : ' warm up isnt meant to be that fast' but then again i rmb that we took quite a long time to run finish that round. so ok im contradicting myself again. then had stretchings blahblah. had some really torturous abs trg. supposedly abs, but mine hasnt formed yet. then went for caterpillar run 4rounds, smth else forgot. and ended off with 2 cool down rounds. ok i shant elaborate on pt, but i think its okay to me. the intensity is ok. just the abs thg is really urgh.
then practised again and again, but i dont seem to carry out that feminine feeling yet i dont know why. probably because ive been rough for 4years. like wth. when i was first in badmt, they said im like weak weak gentle gentle one. now im in dance, im rough. okay maybe i shldnt switched from dance in psch to badmt in ssch and back to dance in jc. im a bad eg, dont choose cca like i did. ok then lunch followed by watching some videos. i think the lunch was super spicy. but i thought it was nice ha. but thank god there is strawberry milk tea if not my tongue wld become i dont know what. oh and there's this video on some comtempt chi dance. haha which i cldnt understand at all. i just thought they might be acting as ghosts running around. cos they're in white and the environment is either eerie. i thought it was boring cos i really dont understand what they're doing. oh and i sat in between ferleen and xiaoying at first. but i was blocked by 3chairs so i moved to my right and sat beside xiaoying with a gap between me and ferleen. then kailun came and sat beside me and ferleen and i was thinking how come he didnt get blocked. but anw, he blocked ferleen from me ):
okay so aft videos was the highlight of the day- the bonding games. the first game was stupid. i shall just name it as stupid game. haha okay this stupid game made us land in weird positions. like wth >< and the last one was impossible to achieve. 20 ppl - 8 feet 8 hands 2 heads. wow! we took way more than the given time but still couldnt do it. haha actually the guys blabbered smth about piggybacking the girls and stepping on each other's legs but i couldnt understand. and the point was that no one wants to get piggybacked yea. so we just stand there throughout haha. dinah comments abt being taken adv of was funny.
2nd game : chemistry game
it involves shouting out of numbers. for eg. someone will start saying 1, and next person say 2 and so on and so forth. but there shldnt be two ppl shouting out at the same time. so yea we basically cheated alot and got our gamemistress at a loss of what to do with us. we stood in a circle and they made us close our eyes. so someone started with 1, and we hear for the person standing beside us. if the person beside shout 9, then you just shout 10. haha basically like that. then they say there shdnt be any sequence so they rearrange us and spinned us. and we rmb our no. and just shouted out our numbers haha. we just cheated ALOT
3rd game: birth month game
we stood in a circle. and we said out our own birth month. and then they made us rearrange ourselves in our birth month without any eye contact and hand signals and speech and anything. and we successfully did it through just once :D haha i attempted to push dinah behind me and weeteng cos i thot dinah was nov. but she turned out to be aug. but anw, thank god syafiquah made me change back. of cos, we cheated with eye contact (:
4th game : concentration with a twist
we take on the name of the another person, so its kind of more confusing. and then i was phong for the first time, and syafiquah for the second time. haha and somehow some ppl just dont know how to play concentration and we just ended up not being able to pass 5 ppl. and guess who's the 5th person - ly! my fish !!
5th game : 6 stages
there're 6 stages in this game : egg, chick, chicken, human, superman, god.
so everyone will start off being an egg. then you have to find someone else to scissor paper stone with. but the person must be ur species, so if you're an egg, then the person must be an egg. and so on. then if you win, you proceed up to the next stage. if not, you drop one stage below. and guess what, i nv make it over chicken before. aft that when everyone reached god stage, and stood aside. im still trying to be god. pathetic ppl left behind are kailun, xiaoying, me, lissya i couldnt rmb. i just rmb im a chicken, not the worst :D xiaoying's the worst-egg haha. its a really fun game.
6th game : butt-chair bumping game
a row of chairs. each team will start from one of the two sides. and then you will just bounce ur butt on the chair and move as quickly as possible until we meet the opponent coming from the other side. then scissor paper stone and then yea the loser have to get up while the winner proceeds on. its the most violent, rough game i ever played. seriously, everyone is like hitting our butts against each other and falling off chairs. haha and many rules are broken, like xiaoying running across instead of butt bouncing from chair to chair. so yea, in the end, my team lost. and the other team had the chance to pour a big bucket of iced water on us. so we ran of course, i didnt have an extra shirt! me and dinah hid until we thot the coast was safe then we come down again. and i got attacked by angela. oh well, but its really a fun game, at least i know im not the roughest. as for xiaoying who breaks the most rules in that game, she was utterly wet
7th game : captain's fruits
thats the worst and most gross captain's ball game ive ever played. first time i actually ran away from the ball. the ball is replaced by fruits like tomato, yea and things like potato and banana. you couldnt imagine how gross it was to have a tomato smashed flat on your palm when you catch it and the juice flowing out. or to catch a banana in the air and it became a banana split. one on the ground the other one on ur hand. it was super gross. i prob just spent my time laughing away at ppl screaming EWW. so we loved potato the most for that game. and least its not that soft and gross.
ok so that rounds up dance camp for today. its a really fun day and i really enjoyed it. thanks EXCOs :D and i talked alot to ferleen. she's my newest crush now because i think she's utterly chio. but okay, im straight and ferleen knows it, and she isnt scared of me :D haha, so yea, and we discussed about her boyfriend haha. okay anw i shall end here before leon comes and comment that i typed a really long post again :D
nihon mura
9:44 PM
let me roughly round up this week. it has been a really busy week. first i was busy adapting to s21. but i guess im more or less settled, but most of the non rv-njcians in the class dont know my name yet. cos there's no proper introduction! and i dont really know their names too. other than sipei and lixin who're in my chem VA group and debbie that CRAPS ALOT.
okay and yesterday we have capt's ball during pe :D yea which was what i was hoping for. haha split into two groups. with tall ppl like masu, ningxin and jinghui on our side, i was thinking we're bound to win. like how the hell would i know that sipei is good at hitting away balls from our captain ningxin. and xiaopeng is really good at snatching away the ball when it was flying halfway to me. yalar yalar all target me and block me cos im short ): and then how hiong and strong lixin actually is at capt's ball. so winning or losing is not v impt (: cos act my tall ppl group lost =P
and today had malay dance. aches from wed's pe carried on aft thu's dance, and carried on to ytd's capt's ball and carried on to today's dance. and i dont seem to see much improvement in my flexibility i dont know why ): thats saddening. ok and i saw ferleen again :D yay i didnt stalk ferleen just because i think she's utterly chio. im not weird and perverted, even though ferleen insist that i am and i shd stop denying. but ok, ive nothing to deny too.
today's dance was interesting :
(1) i crap alot with ly, now referred as fish by me, cos i heard her say that she wants to be a fish when its supposed to be fashion designer
(2) the traditional dance looks more or less done, i think the formation is cool but it seems unneat just looking at my own group. cos i nv seem to be able to be in the same line as huiwei and shiqi simultaneously.
(3) kailun got pushed to ly by i dont know who. i dont see the culprit cos i was standing a dist away and laughing, cos its really hilarious.
(4) aft reading on ferleen's blog ytd that she broke like 3 shoe straps recently, i broke my shoe strap ): like wth, i tripped over smth on the floor for the umpteenth times i walked there. and my shoe strap so happenly came off. wow, thank goodness i met xiaoying who told me how she dealed with her shoe when the strap came off. and thanks to fish that tied it up for me. but its super damn uncomfortable. pls refer to pics :D which will be posted dont know when.
(5) ly kept saying that ive a boyfriend cos everytime she sees me in sch, im with a guy. supposedly she says so. but i dont even know who is this guy. i think its only in ly's imagination
yea and aft that i rushed home, not rushing actually cos i walking with a spoilt shoe. yea i sort of supposedly rush home and changed and went to nihon mura at jurong west sports and recreation centre to eat sushi and stuff with my mum, bro and sis. my sis said she wanted to treat me but apparently she only paid like 6 bucks for me -.- but its not bad, the food there. just that there arent much varieties for sushi. but for other side dishes, its good i think just that its more expensive la like duh. but 99cents for a plate of sushi i think its worthwhile. haha my level of satisfaction for sushi is 99cents a plate! and the chocolate waffle with vanilla is really a must try. damn nice. so A&W alike, ok i shall go there whenever i miss A&W cos i cant go KL to eat it.
oh an extract of some conversation during malay dance prac today :
lissya : i want a boyfriend!
me : i scream across la : lissya auditioning for boyfriend!
lissya : dont need. i alr have someone in mind
dinah : ya the ahpek in the sch right
lol and this made syafiquah comment that lissya is despo. haha so the purpose of this extract is to let everyone know that lissya is not sweet like what everyone said in their speech during that gc period before they left ao1 (:
bon voyage
10:15 PM
BON VOYAGE TO JIAQIANG, ZHIXIN AND YIHFANG AND ALL OTHERS GOING MALDIVES :D enjoy building houses there. i think the house jiaqiang built sure collapse (:
i havent seen yihfang for a long time. im like quite busy now. because im trying to handle phy and chem, cos im like still half way there. not here nor there. i dont know where im. but anw, yea, i hope things get better by the day. and im trying to bond in with the class too. yea so its like im sitting with s21 during breaks and lunch. not like im being forced to. more like im starting to like them and adapt to the s21 life. but on the other hand, i still miss my ao1 alot. so its yea, running to both tables at both ends of the canteen. thats quite troublesome. but its okay, cos i believe we shldnt forget old friends just because we have new ones. and okay i shall keep this short. and prob cos ive no photos to post anw.
and lets take a look at my mar hol schedule :
8mar- dance from 9am-1pm, going out with sis and mummy aft that
9mar- video production?!
10mar- dance 1-day camp from 8am-5pm (chem makeup from 1-3pm), aqua house outing? from 530pm onwards.
11mar- SO FAR FREE
12mar- dance and i dont know what follows suit
13mar- A01 outing? followed by dinner with coach rosie :D (play badmt?)
14mar- dance and i dont know what follows after that
15mar- dance performance and supper aft that w s21?
16mar- SO FAR FREE
and aft that is enrichment week alr. omg my hol is just gone like that. and there're so many lil tests when term2 starts. im dead. OHSHIT and i need to do VA for chem and phy. IM REALLY DEAD. jc life is SO hectic.
3rd outing
10:09 PM



im really happy at the mere fact that 1.5 months can actually build such strong bonds. its been the 3rd ao1 outing in like a month? 1st was watching movie, 2nd was nicholas' house, and today its elson's house. i hope this really like goes on and everyone can stay that bonded 2,3 months later and even 2,3 yrs later. i mean, friendship lasts for eternity right (:
okay so yea i only have 3photos with me. so i will just post this 3. stop saying that im being biased i only post nicholas NO SUCH THING OKAY -.- anyway i alighted at the wrong stop. one stop before the cj stop. and it was such a long long long long LONG distance between the two stops, thank god i decided to take bus instead of walk. okay, i reach and elson was there to fetch me. thats really sweet :D and elson talks abt the spiders on the overhead bridge, which i see none -.- and kristy, my bun is not OLD okay, its mature (: toobad, immature ppl cant really understand the deep meaning of maturity! haha
okay so elson's house is really cool. seriously, his father is really great at the designing and stuff. if you guys have watched home decor series right, its really like that. like what mark lee and bryan wong has decorated the house to be. really cool. like those houses you cant believe its that nice kind. im really fascinated with it. and his parents room is SUPERB. okay so now, my conclusion is that my husband need not be super rich. he just needs to be able to afford such a pretty house. and its not even a house actually, its just like an unit. but a real big one. anw its just so cool. and soon more ppl came. i think its kinda successful. considering many more ppl turn up as compared to the one at nicholas' house : yanhui, yihfang, xiaoxi, me, marian, zhixin, lissya, kristy, samantha, jiaqiang, nicholas, hocksing, pinxuan, raja and of cos elson himself. i hope i miss no one out. and again, its all the laming again. its kinda amazing how such lame stuff can last us for a whole afternoon. and we took lots and lots of pictures :D just that i didnt get hold of them yet.
and then aft the ppl left. me elson pinxuan xiaoxi jiaqiang marian zhixin went to newton food centre to eat. or isit newton circus. whatever, anw we considered things like stingray, spicy kangkong and this really cool kind of shellfish called gonggong. haha and yea with plain rice la. i dont know whats wrong w everyone, how come ao1 ppl all love spicy kangkong all of a sudden. everytime we go curry wok, we order that too! anw the main thing is gonggong. its this seashell/snail lookalike thing which elson strongly recommended. and being me who ate many kinds of shell creatures like cockles, clams, mussels and etc etc. i tried the gonggong. its really cool. u have to dig the meat out with satay sticks or smth. and i think me and jiaqiang liked it quite alot. haha we ate quite alot but of cos, elson ate the most :D and we went home soon after.
okay so i think there'll be another outing soon. march holidays. watching movie? watch the leap years leh! cos i think wong lilin is utterly chio and i love her alot (: and so sad for ppl at maldives. ur always welcome to fly back to join us :D oh and im not lesbian btw just cos i think wong lilin is chio. oh talking abt les, haha i went up to my ex president of malay dance (graduated) and told her ' i think you're v pretty' which she is. and shiqi lissya both agreed. then she goes ' omg im scared of you' when im so obviously not a les. haha why wldnt ppl accept compliments -.- and ohman, i read from sam's blog. smth abt jiaqiang saying elson and her is like in the 'non-official but too scandalous to be just friends couples in a01' group. and of cos jiaqiang and xiaoxi are inside too. thats for sure. and me and nicholas?! like wth! i so do not want to get paired up with him. he does not deserve such a nice person like me and he doesnt deserve to be in the photo as seen from the above pic of me covering him under many cushions :D and yay lizhu rocks, thats what i concluded :D or and how i refuse to get a hug from nicholas altho he gives everyone a hug (LOL at pinxuan's and esp ELSON's reaction when nicholas hugs them) oh and congrats to ivy jie and richard gor who just got married ytd.
and i shall copy lissya : enough said, bye (: